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The Fifth International Workshop of Social Learning and Cultural Evolution


Session 1: 3pm - 5pm

Time (CEST) Activity Speaker Talk Title
3pm Welcome
3:10pm Keynote 1 Richard Watson "An antidote to 'universal Darwinism': A scientific worldview where self-interest is not the prime mover"
3:50pm break
4pm Talk 1 Eva Reindl "The Zone of Latent Solutions and its Role for Cultural Evolution"
4:15pm Talk 2 James Winters "Why is open-ended cumulative culture rare?"
4:30pm Session 1 Speaker Panel

Session 2: 6pm - 7:30pm

Time (CEST) Activity Speaker Talk Title
6pm Keynote 2 Mark Bedau "Patented technology as a model system for cultural evolution and social learning."
6:40pm Talk 3 Marina Dubova "Growing Opportunities to Grow: Towards a Model of Open-Ended Communication Learning"
6:55pm Talk 4 Nicholas Guttenberg "Bootstrapping the emergence of diversifying, self-replicating memes through agent control over selection"
7:10pm Session 2 Speaker Panel