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The First International Workshop of Social Learning and Cultural Evolution


John Bullinaria

John A. Bullinaria is a computer scientist with research interests in lifetime learning and evolution that span the fields of operations research, cognitive science and artificial life. His recent work has used agent-based simulations to explore how lifetime learning can influence life history evolution, and that has inevitably required the incorporation of social learning and cultural evolution. He has been developing and optimizing a general meme-based evolutionary framework that will allow efficient simulations of social learning in models that range from things like child rearing traits in life history evolution to gender-based career choices.

Francisco Santos

Francisco C. Santos is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon (Portugal). He is a researcher of GAIPS, a research group part of INESC-ID, and a member of the ATP group, hosted by the Institute for Interdiciplinary Research of the University of Lisbon. His research interests span several aspects of complex systems, from cultural evolution and dynamics of human cooperation to networks science.